Heres the link to Colin's Story. hope you enjoy both of them.
Will turned to follow the man out when someone tapped him on the shoulder. "You must be our new fighter." Will turned around. There was a man, about a head taller than Will, wearing purple robes that were dragging along the ground. "What?" said Will. "I'm Drake," the man said, "I'm the mage on our team. Do you know anything about magic?" "Umm no," said Will. "Then follow me!"
Will followed Drake back into the building. They ran around twists and turns so confusing that Will couldn't remember how to get back outside if he wanted to. After running for about five minutes Drake stopped and opened a door.
The room was enormous! It had a bed at least twice the size of wills in the corner. There were no windows, but hundreds of candles lined the walls. There were staffs and wands all over the floor, along with rings, necklaces, and gems of all shapes and sizes. In one of the corners there were a bunch of strange markings on the floor.
"Come in here," said Drake as he led Will through a door in the back of the room. The room was
glowing! All of the walls, the ceiling, and the floor were a bright sparkling white. It took Will's eyes a minute to adjust to the change in light. "I've enchanted this room so I can practice in here. No magic can harm anything in the room. Dan told me I need to teach you about magic, so would you like to learn now, or wait until after the meeting?"
Does Will:
a) learn now
b) wait to learn later
Travis votes A